Monday, April 18, 2011

Sacred Scars

My scars are many, my scars are real
Emotional and physical….
Invisible and visible….
Tales of their own they have to tell
Some tall and some short
Some funny, some heart-wrenching
Some plain stupid, some mortifying —
But all packed with wisdom!
My scars are mine and mine alone, and
Nay! I won’t trade them to turn back time
And change those moments
Which are, in retrospect, sublime!
Regrets I have aplenty
For the weak moments that caused my fall and the ugly mars….
But now that I have regained my balance
And see the beauty in those scars
I find
They are treasures stacked in my ‘chest’….
Treasures you can not value —
As deeply embedded in my soul
As they are on my skin… my heart… my mind.
Intertwined inextricably with my life
Defining who I am today…
Who I will be tomorrow!

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